Episode 17: Randy Greenwell


Today kicks off Conn-Selmer Education Institute Connect. If you've been listening to the podcast for the past month you've heard all about it. I was delighted to chat with Randy Greenwell of Conn-Selmer recently about this career and Conn Selmer Education.

Randy spent 24 years as Director of Bands and Chairman of the Performing Arts Department at Lawrence Central HS, Indianapolis, IN. Under his direction, the Lawrence Central Bands built a tradition of excellence and success. Randy is also an active Drum Corps International, Bands of America and Winter Guard International judge and has written and arranged for many bands across the United States. He maintains an active schedule as a trumpet performer with the Heartland Big Band and has presented numerous clinics at conventions on a wide range of educational topics.


Episode 18: Catherine Likutha


Episode 16: Tim Hinton