“Join a Band, see the World!”
As well as making band podcasts, I also design and plan tours for bands everywhere. If you enjoy the podcasts and would like to support them while also planning your next big band trip, you can contact me anytime to start the process.
I’ve been obsessed with the USA and it’s bands since I was a kid. Whether you’re a US High School Band, College Band, or an International group, there’s so many great destinations in the USA for Concert and Marching Bands. Alongside my friends at Kaleidoscope Adventures, I can help you build the perfect American tour.
I’m always so proud to bring international bands to my home. Ireland has such a vibrant arts scene, and community bands are always happy to meet and perform with new friends. Whether you’re a marching band coming for St. Patrick’s Day, or a Concert Band for the Summer, you’ll find a great welcome here.
The U.K.
It’s such a short distance to the UK from Ireland, that it’s very possible to visit both on one tour. Whether you’re travelling to Scotland, England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, you’ll find so much rich history in the UK, and a culture that loves and cherishes concert and marching bands.